Empowerment: Definition and Empowerment Process in Social Work


  • Nutchanat Yuhanngoh Huachiew Chalermprakiet


Empowerment, Empowerment Process, Social Work


This article is part of the research on building the community mechanisms to improve the quality of life of female prisoner. This article presents the concept of empowerment and power that applies to people in the environment. The social work practice is a practice that uses knowledge to promote change for individuals, groups, communities and society to be able to live in peace and communities that are fair. Everyone should respect the differences and diversity of human beings, because social work connects people with the social structure system, so that individuals, groups or communities can handle life challenges. Therefore, the empowerment and power is an important core and is essential in working with vulnerable groups and being discriminated against by people in that society. It is not just the assistance and change that an individual has, but also the social and environmental context. It is a work that adheres to social justice principles as a framework for joint operations.


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How to Cite

Yuhanngoh, N. (2020). Empowerment: Definition and Empowerment Process in Social Work. Journal of Social Synergy, 10(1), 85–97. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/thaijss/article/view/200342



Research Report