The perception in Risk Management of Personnel In the Faculty of Science and Technology at Thammasat University


  • ระเบียบ สวนพันธ์


Perception, Personnel, Faculty of Science and Technology, Risk management


The objectives in this research “The perception in risk management of personnel in the faculty of science and technology at Thammasat university” were to study the perception and opinion level in risk management including risk management policy, risk identification and analysis, risk assessment, risk management, and risk audit and control of personnel in the faculty of Science and Technology at Thammasat University. The data were collected by questionnaires from 162 personnel in the faculty of Science and Technology at Thammasat University. Statistics used in data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, F-test and one-way analysis of variance whereas pair comparison was analyzed by Scheffé's method. The results are as follows.

Most of the sample groups, about 53%, were female, between 41-50 years old of age. More than 64.8% are administrative staffs whose working experience more than 21 years. The results showed that the sample groups’ perceptions in risk management of all aspects were at low level with an average of 2.50. Meanwhile, their opinions in risk management were at moderate level for all aspects with an average of 3.35. In addition, when considering the differences between the sample variables, it was found that different job description had affected the perception in risk management of all aspects. Moreover, executives and lecturer had significant different perception in risk management from administrative did. The sample groups’ opinions in risk management has affected by their working status, job position, and job description with the significant statistical level of 0.05.

The recommendation is as follows: (1) the executives should engage in risk management operations to stimulate and establish motivation and awareness of the importance of risk management. (2) Executives should clarify the risk management policy so that risk management activities could be cooperated and carried out in the same direction for all sectors. (3) It should set up a regular meeting for all personnel to monitor risk management operations and to provide feedback for exchanged information. And (4) the risk management operation could be improved.


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How to Cite

สวนพันธ์ ร. (2020). The perception in Risk Management of Personnel In the Faculty of Science and Technology at Thammasat University. Journal of Social Synergy, 10(2), 19–40. Retrieved from



Research Report