Potential Development of Active Aging for Contributing to Society


  • Orasa Thatawakorn 44 phadidmanoothum19 ladplaw bangkok 10230


Aging potential development, Physical and psycho-social well being, Active aging


The purpose of the study on "Potential Development of Active Aging for Contributing to Society" was three-fold: (1) to study development potential guideline of active aging, (2) to support well being of aging in physical and psychological, and (3) to support income sustainability of aging. Mixed methods were employed for the study. Data collection includes 2,520 samples, 12 focus groups discussion in the technical promotion and support office region 1 – 12, and in-depth interviewed 2 experts on aging. 

The study reveals most sample groups were female, aged 60 – 69-year-old, married, finished primary school, unemployed, underlying disease on hypertension, osteoarthritis of the knee, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and amnesia. The top three sources of income were government allowance, son or daughter, and occupation respectively.  The average income and payment per month was 3,000 Baht. Saving in the bank or saving group was not over 10,000 Baht, average debt not over 50,000 Baht.

The physical well being of the sample group was moderate while psychological and social wellbeing was high. Most sample groups had a body of knowledge on agriculture, art and culture, religion, ethics, industrial, handicraft, education and ready to transfer their knowledge to the community.

Factors influencing potential development of aging composed of motivation, favorable circumstances, reward, reinforcement, and encouragement including good relationships within a family. 

Guideline of support physical of aging was encouraged them to exercise while psychology support was collective action for society, self-care, and learning information technology in order to live happily in modern society 

Social welfare development for aging must be based on human rights, liberty, participation, and human dignity, changing from subsidy to empowerment under the view of everyone has the right to equal opportunities.

Based on the findings, the researcher suggests the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security should be used the Center of Quality of Life Development and Occupational Promotion to implement various activities for aging. Social Development Volunteer should coordinate active aging in order to build an aging volunteer network to increase their contribution to society.


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How to Cite

Thatawakorn, O. (2020). Potential Development of Active Aging for Contributing to Society . Journal of Social Synergy, 10(3), 39–63. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/thaijss/article/view/235973



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