Attitudes and expectations of government inspectors. To monitor the performance of the inspectorate. Ministry of Social Development and Human Security


  • นายสถาปนวัฒน์ ภู่มาลา กองตรวจราชการ สปพม. กระทรวงการพัฒนาสังคมและความมั่นคงของมนุษย์


Inspection, Attitude and Expectation, Inspection Office


The Study on Attitudes and Expectations of Local Inspected Unitstowards Supervision and Monitoring of Inspection Offices, Ministry of Social Development and Human Security, aims to study attitudes of local inspected units towards supervision and monitoring of inspection offices, and study expectations of inspected units towards development of inspection systems. In this study, the population was 396 chiefs of 396 local government offices of Ministry of Social Development and Human Security. The tool was questionnaire, provided that 285 sets were collected. By the computer package, the date analysis included percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, F-test, and Scheffe’s method. The study results were summarized as the following.

            The male-female ratio was close to 50:50. The population aged 34-60 years (the minimum age of 34 years, the maximum age of 60 years, the average age of 46 years), had masters’ degree, worked as chiefs of Shelters for Helpless Persons, had work experience of 1-12 years (the maximum work experience of 12 years, the average term of 5.6 years). The overall attitudes of local inspected units towards round 1st and 2nd supervision and monitoring of inspection offices of Ministry of Social Development and Human Security, were at the high level. In round 2nd inspection, the inspectors recommended the inspected units in term of operation; they had to revise work process and methods to ensure work efficiency. The overall expectations towards inspection process and tools used for development of inspection systems were at the highest level i.e. inspection reporting (simple reporting and integrated units). From comparison of general information, it was found that the samples of different genders and ages had different attitudes towards supervision and monitoring of inspection offices. The samples of different genders, ages, educational levels and positions had different expectations towards development of inspection systems at the significant level of 0.05.

            The policy recommendations are that Ministry of Social Development and Human Security should identify inspection as a key mechanism or process for supervising and monitoring each process to ensure overall supervision e.g. budget usage, worthiness, benefits to target groups, evaluation, etc. Inspection will be input data for allocating activities and budgets to local people. Ministerial regulations should be added that inspectors may reward, punish, have authorities and play as a key role in evaluating units, personnel. This will enhance work efficiency, transparency in line with good governance.


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How to Cite

ภู่มาลา น. (2020). Attitudes and expectations of government inspectors. To monitor the performance of the inspectorate. Ministry of Social Development and Human Security. Journal of Social Synergy, 10(1), 1–21. Retrieved from



Research Report