The Responsible Agriculture Investment Policy to create Social Welfare and Food Security


  • Keadtisaky Yungyuen Yungyuen


Young smart farmer, Social Welfare, Food security, Responsible Agriculture Investment Policy


The objective of this study include 1) to study and compile the policy for promoting the young farmer in Thailand during the past 8 years (A.D. 2012 - 2019) and 4 case studies of Young Smart Farmer Project; 2) to analyze the success factors and the obstacle factors in implementing the related smart farmer policy (Young Smart Farmer Project), and 3) to study the policy gaps that need to be developed or other suggestions obtained from document analysis and case studies of Young Smart Farmer and applying qualitative research included both documentary research and field research.

Keywords : Young smart farmer, Social Welfare, Food security, Responsible Agriculture

                 Investment Policy


The study found that the Young Smart Farmer promotion and development policy from 2012 - 2019, policy design, and operation have been continuously following the National Economic and Social Development Plan and the 20 Year National Strategy Plan also adhering to The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The success factor of driving a Young Smart Farmer (YSF) requires development in many dimensions which include upstream, midstream, and downstream and also using technology, network coordination, market development, processing, and product development. Those require the knowledge of many disciplines to be involved. Therefore, it is necessary to use integrated with many departments taking part. From the analysis of the results, the study found that there are not many studies involved in YSF considered that still have to pioneer research that is a more in-depth issue or a new policy of young farmers.  In an operational aspect, there are still gaps in many issues that need to be developed; such as even though there is a one-stop service policy, but in practice, it is not possible because the bureaucratic system is still step-by-step as well as putting the policy into practice has not gone to a large scale. The policy design process for the young farmer should, therefore, be open to public policy more than top-down policy. Using the participation process, it will lead to collective thinking, participation, and truly meet the target group.


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How to Cite

Yungyuen, K. (2020). The Responsible Agriculture Investment Policy to create Social Welfare and Food Security . Journal of Social Synergy, 11(1), 32–61. Retrieved from



Research Report