Recreation Activities, the Way to Active Aging


  • karpprapa sangajai 81 soi ngamwongwan 18 ngamwongwan,Rd. Bangkhen Muang Nonthaburi


Recreation, Aging Society, Active Aging


Active Ageing is a concept representing the healthy of the elderly. This concept is applied around the world to ensure physical health, mental health and good quality of living, living happiness, self-reliance of the elderly. It is comprised of 3 key pillars i.e. health, participation, and security. The process of developing active aging is the goal of developing the quality of living of the elderly, the key resources of the world. However, it is recognized that the elderly are the age of change, both physical deterioration, mental deterioration from loss of social role and status, and having a lot leisure time. Therefore, participation in recreation activities is an alternative to use time creatively. Recreation activities are good for the body, mind, emotion, and society of the elderly. Continuous participation in activities results in good health, peach of mind, self-esteem, low loneliness, low social anxiety, and the high opportunity to social participation of the elderly. Therefore, recreation activities are the process to develop the elderly to active aging.


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How to Cite

sangajai, karpprapa. (2020). Recreation Activities, the Way to Active Aging. Journal of Social Synergy, 11(2), 1–14. Retrieved from



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