Factors affecting adaptation of persons with physical disabilities: A case study of Bang Chalong Subdistrict, Bang Phli District, Samut Prakan Province, Thailand


  • ณัฐพงศ์ เป็นลาภ คณะสังคมสงเคราะห์ศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์


Adaptation, Persons with physical disabilities


This survey study aimed to examine the adaptation, and factors affecting adaptation, of persons with physical disabilities through a case study of Bang Chalong Subdistrict, Bang Phli District, Samut Prakan Province, central Thailand. Samples were 81 persons with physical disabilities with domiciles registered in Bang Chalong Subdistrict. Data were collected by questionnaire and analyzed with descriptive statistics through frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation (SD), and inferential statistics for multiple linear regression analysis.

              Results were that the overall adaptation of persons with disabilities was at a high level (with an average score of 3.73). The physical, psychological, and environmental adaptation was at a high level (with average scores of 3.83, 3.73, and 3.74). The social adaptation was at a moderate level (with an average score of 3.57). Social support, self-esteem, and family relationship were at a high level (with average scores of 2.69, 18.31, and 3.98). Factors affecting adaptation of persons with physical disabilities were self-esteem and social support with multiple correlation coefficient at .801. These factors predicted adaptation with a predictive value of 64.1 with statistically significant at the 0.01 level.

              These findings suggest that Local administrative organizations should have a career promotion and follow guidelines to encourage people with disabilities to participate in activities, including project arrangement and activities suitable for the disabled, to promote and increase individual potential. Different forms of social support should be stressed to further boost awareness, self-esteem, and supportive care of the disabled by families and the community.


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How to Cite

เป็นลาภ ณ. (2020). Factors affecting adaptation of persons with physical disabilities: A case study of Bang Chalong Subdistrict, Bang Phli District, Samut Prakan Province, Thailand. Journal of Social Synergy, 11(3), 1–12. retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/thaijss/article/view/244834