The role of social workers in preparing psychiatric patients in homeless protection centers


  • พรรณปพร ต่วนเจริญศรี คณะสังคมสงเคราะห์ศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์


Role of social worker, Preparing for social reintegration, Psychiatric patients


This study aimed to investigate the role of social workers in preparing psychiatric patients in homeless protection centers and to study the problems and obstacles in preparing psychiatric patients in the homeless protection center for social reintegration. This study used qualitative research methodology. Data were collected from an in-depth interview. The participants in the research were divided into 2 groups, group 1: 5 rulers of the homeless protection center.  Group 2: 11 social workers, 16 people in total.

The results of this study revealed the roles of social workers in preparing psychiatric patients in homeless protection centers for social reintegration in 6 areas: social diagnosis, social therapy, social rehabilitation, social work, community psychiatry, coordination and management of social resources, and academic development in psychiatric social work. While the problems and obstacles in preparing psychiatric patients in homeless protection centers for social reintegration consisted of 5 areas: policy, lack of participation in operational goals, management, unemployment budget, support the organization of rehabilitation and rehabilitation of psychiatric patients. In terms of personnel aspects such as the ratio of caregiver to service, the user does not comply with the standards of care for the occupants of the center, the lack of specialized personnel in the care of psychiatric patients. In terms of work performance, including evaluation of complex psychiatric symptoms of psychiatric symptoms and lack of family participation in psychiatric care.

Recommendations at the policy level to the Department of Social Development and Welfare, Ministry of Social Development and Human Security; review the work of the departments in the joint care of the homeless, the elderly, and the disabled; review the necessary professional personnel structures and the caretaker-to-user ratio  Including the promotion of knowledge in the care of psychiatric patients. The action-level recommendation for the Homeless Protection Center is to build a network of partners in the care of the homeless, including government agencies, establishments, civil society, volunteers, including families, communities, so that psychiatric patients can return to life in society with dignity.


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How to Cite

ต่วนเจริญศรี พ. (2020). The role of social workers in preparing psychiatric patients in homeless protection centers. Journal of Social Synergy, 11(3), 29–41. Retrieved from