Factors Influencing Saving Need of Prisoners : A case study of Prisoners in Nakhon Sawan Central Prison


  • Korakod Naewthat Faculty of Social Work and Social Welfare , Huachiew Chalermprakiet University
  • Jaturong Boonyarattanasoontorn Faculty of Social Work and Social Welfare , Huachiew Chalermprakiet University


Prisoners, Saving Need, Factors Influencing Saving Need


The objectives of this quantitative research were 1) to study basic information, background, and status of prisoners, 2) to study policies and measures to promote savings, 3) to study the level of savings demand of prisoners, 4) to study factors influencing the savings demand of prisoners, and 5) to provide recommendations for improvement and development of the "Saving for New Life Project" and "National Savings Fund Project (NSF)". The sample consisted of 258 prisoners in Nakhon Sawan Central Prison who participated in the “Saving for New Life Project” or “National Savings Fund Project (NSF)”.

The findings of this study indicated that 1) The majority of the sample were male, secondary education level, single status, having children, Buddhism, without any income from themselves, income from the family which was 3,001 baht or more, punished more than 3 - 5 years, and had a drug-related offense.  2) Prisoners agreed on policies and measures, criteria, and procedures for participating in the Saving for New Life Project, National Savings Fund Project (NSF), and the social support of Nakhon Sawan Central Prison at a high level.   3) Prisoners had a high level of savings and wanted to save more in the National Savings Fund Project (NSF) than the Saving for New Life Project.  4) Factors that influence prisoners' saving demands were gender, age, education level, religion, family income, offense base, type of savings, achievement motivation, opinion on criteria, procedure, participation steps in the National Savings Fund Project (NSF), and social support of Nakhon Sawan Central Prison.   5) Nakhon Sawan Central Prison had to control, monitor, and evaluate policies and measures to promote savings, instill saving values and create discipline from saving money for prisoners, including improving and developing preparedness plans before the release of prisoners to have a good quality of life after the punishment.


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How to Cite

Naewthat, K., & Boonyarattanasoontorn, J. (2021). Factors Influencing Saving Need of Prisoners : A case study of Prisoners in Nakhon Sawan Central Prison. Journal of Social Synergy, 12(1), 1–13. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/thaijss/article/view/250109



Research Report