The Access to the Rights of the Elderly in Tha Phon Subdistrict Municipality, Mueang District, Phetchabun Province


  • Thanittha Bunpool Faculty of Social Administration, Thammasat University


The Access to the Rights of the Elderly, problems and obstacles to accessing rights of the elderly


The study of “The Access to the Rights of the Elderly in Tha Phon Subdistrict Municipality, Mueang District, Phetchabun Province” aimed to study the access of rights, problems, and obstacles in elderly in accessing rights in Tha Phon Subdistrict Municipality, Mueang District, Phetchabun Province. This study is quantitative research, a questionnaire was used as an instrument for data collection of elderly who lived in Tha Phon Subdistrict Municipality, Mueang District, Phetchabun Province, specifically, the elderly who received the elderly subsistence allowance of 310 persons, data was analyzed by using descriptive statistics including frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation, and inferential statistics, for example, the difference between variables was analyzed by t-test and F-test / One-way ANOVA. When the differences were found and determined by the Scheffe test due to a statistically significant level of 0.05. The analysis is as follows.

            The personal information of the sample found that most of the participants were female, age range from 60 to 69 years old, have marital status, primary education, and no occupation. Have a monthly income of not more than 1,000 baht from the subsistence allowance from the government. The sample consisted of three to four family members and lived with the most children. The sample group had the least access to the rights of the elderly and had problems and obstacles in the overall perspective at a high level The results of comparing the differences between the data of the sample group and the access to rights of the elderly and problems and obstacles to accessing rights of the elderly found that the education level, monthly income, and the number of members family who lives in different households have different overall in access to the rights of the elderly, and different occupations have different problems and obstacles to overall in accessing the rights of the elderly with statistical significance at level 0.05.

            Suggestions showed that the local government organization should formulate a policy to formulate an annual action plan and request a budget to support welfare for the elderly that area by integrating information cooperation between relevant agencies and implementing national agenda-driven measures, the story of the elderly 6S 4C as a framework and guideline for the development of the elderly. Moreover, local government personnel should study and understand the authority of the organization, elderly benefits as required by law, and organize activities to build knowledge understanding for the elderly.


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How to Cite

Bunpool, T. (2021). The Access to the Rights of the Elderly in Tha Phon Subdistrict Municipality, Mueang District, Phetchabun Province. Journal of Social Synergy, 12(1), 30–44. Retrieved from



Research Report