Factors for success in implementing the rehabilitation program for children and youths who have taken special substitutive measures in lieu of prosecuting criminal proceedings before prosecution under Section 86:  Case Study of Juvenile Observation and Pr


  • เมธ์วดี ทองฉิม -


special substitutive measures in lieu of prosecuting criminal proceedings before prosecution under Section 86, implementation of the rehabilitation program


Factors for success in implementing the rehabilitation program for children and youths who have taken special substitutive measures in lieu of prosecuting criminal proceedings before prosecution under Section 86: Case Study of Juvenile Observation and Protection Center, District 1 consists of many objectives: to study the factors affect the success of implementing the rehabilitation program for children and youths, and to study the guidelines of the rehabilitation program for children and youths who have taken special substitutive measures instead of criminal prosecution before prosecution under Section 86, which is consistent with the current problem and individual environmental factors concerning children or youths. It is a mixed research with the quantitative study by questionnaires. The data is collected data from 173 children and youths who are being rehabilitated and be successful from the program. Data were analyzed by statistical values; percentage, mean and standard deviation. In the qualitative part, a structured interview was used to collect data from 33 persons involved in the creation of the rehabilitation program under Section 86.

The results of the study found most of the children and were males (91.9%), average age 16.17 years old. They were prosecuted for offenses related to the Road Traffic Act 2019 (45.1%). The program duration for their implementation in the program was up to 4-6 months ( 64.7%) Overall, the external factors affect the success in the program implementation of children and youths at a high level, in that the officer's performance is the highest level (mean=4.33), and the internal factors is in the high level, respectively. In terms of relationship, it is the highest factor (mean = 3.72). Also, the result was found that key informants had consistent opinions on staff performance.

The results of the study found the suggestions based on data from 33 persons involved in the creation of the rehabilitation program under Section 86 as follow. The extension of the penalty rate of cases that can meet the criteria, improving the judicial criteria that can be carried out under Section 86, considering the length of time for the implementation of the children and youths rehabilitation program, applying Individual Routing Counselor (IRC) model, aligning the process with the current situation, update operation Manual, and regularly develop knowledge and understanding to those involved in the implementation of Section 86.


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How to Cite

ทองฉิม เ. (2022). Factors for success in implementing the rehabilitation program for children and youths who have taken special substitutive measures in lieu of prosecuting criminal proceedings before prosecution under Section 86:  Case Study of Juvenile Observation and Pr. Journal of Social Synergy, 13(1). Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/thaijss/article/view/256670



Research Report