A Social Welfare Arrangement Model to Improve Quality of Life for Elderly Residents of the Pan Subdistrict Administrative Organization


  • Surainee Deramae มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์


Social welfare, Elderly Quality of life, Subdistrict Administrative Organization


                The objectives of this research were to study 1) social welfare provision for elderly residents of the Pan Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Sai Buri District, Pattani Province; 2) a social welfare provision model for improving quality of life for the elderly in the Pan Subdistrict Administrative Organization. Mixed methods research was done with quantitative data collected by in-depth and group structured interviews and analyzed by distribution frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation, while qualitative data was analyzed by content analysis.

                Results were that a four-dimensional welfare scheme for the well-being of the elderly consisted of physical, mental, social, and environmental relationships. Sample physical needs were ranked highest, followed by high levels of demand for environmental, psychological and social relations, in decreasing order of significance. There were four social welfare arrangement formats: Social Security, social assistance, the support of social partners, and policy recommendations led to the creation of social welfare schemes based on the needs of the elderly to improve quality of life for elderly residents and meet their needs in the Pan Subdistrict Administrative Organization. Elderly residents should be encouraged to participate in formulating policies for themselves and fellow older community residents to suit their lifestyle at the local level. Social welfare should be organized to improve quality of life. Three age ranges were discerned: early (60-69 years), middle (70-79 years) and late (80 years and over) to determine appropriate social welfare schemes meeting the physical condition and skills of the elderly. There should be integration between government agencies, the private sector and civil society to participate in social welfare to improve sustainable development of quality of life for elderly residents. The policy executed should be practicable and consider social welfare provisions to improve quality of life for elderly residents through outcomes, rather than productivity. All four social welfare models should be implicated: social service, Social Security. social assistance, and social partner support to guarantee social welfare for elderly community residents.


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How to Cite

Deramae , S. (2022). A Social Welfare Arrangement Model to Improve Quality of Life for Elderly Residents of the Pan Subdistrict Administrative Organization. Journal of Social Synergy, 13(1). Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/thaijss/article/view/256819



Research Report