The 21st Century Global Crisis Affecting Humanity labor evacuation case Amid the COVID-19 epidemic

21st Century Global Crisis Affecting Humanity labor evacuation case Amid the COVID-19 epidemic


  • อัครพงษ์ เพ็ชรพูล -


migrant workers


This academic article aims to study the global crisis in the 21st century affecting humanity, case studies, labor migration  as well as studying the role of international organizations in cases of migrant workers in the midst of the COVID-19 epidemic. The study found many migrant workers decided willing to take the risk of finding work abroad, because it was thought that it was a better way to avoid having to work or having to deal with starvation and lack of stability in quality of life in their country. So, Government in the country of origin and destination The need to deal with the immigration of migrant workers that tends to increase continuously , and there should be a joint investment at the level of international organizations. in the field of resource capital, human capital to create a management suitable for the migration of migrant workers and prevent illegal travel to work and prevention of human trafficking. Suggestions from this study is The United Nations strict penalties should be imposed on agencies to determine the legal measures to be taken against the member states that have signed the ratification but did not discriminate, as well as violations of human rights with migrant workers, both gender, race, national origin cultural beliefs that are seriously different. And The World Health Organization needs to regulate and measure equal health assistance for migrant workers.


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How to Cite

เพ็ชรพูล อ. (2022). The 21st Century Global Crisis Affecting Humanity labor evacuation case Amid the COVID-19 epidemic: 21st Century Global Crisis Affecting Humanity labor evacuation case Amid the COVID-19 epidemic. Journal of Social Synergy, 13(1). Retrieved from



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