Problems and needs of social welfare of the homeless in the self-establishment estate

Problems and needs of social welfare of the homeless in the self-establishment estate


  • อัครพงษ์ เพ็ชรพูล -


Self-establishing estates, Social welfare services


The self-establishment estate was established to encourage people to learn new occupations that Thai people are unfamiliar with, which can be taken as a solid foundation in the economy and can expand further in the future, and to resolve disputes between the government and the people, and between the people themselves, which has been planned to divide the land and arrange people to occupy the land in full according to the condition of the land already divided. established infrastructure for the people to establish a dwelling place which has a section not lower than the general section of farmers in the local area as its main source and has an average income per person per year not less than the average income of farmers in nearby areas. The self-establishing estate works in an integrated manner and emphasizes the members of the estate's participation in thinking, decision-making, practice, and follow-up. The residents of the estates were poor, homeless, and helpless citizens. Generally, 25 rai per family is arranged, divided into 2 rai of residence and 23 rai of arable land. Currently, there are 44 self-established estates across the country.

          The study on the problems and needs of the homeless in the self-establishment estates employed qualitative research methods by conducting in-depth interviews with officials working on the defenseless, local staff in the area, representatives of project members, and non-governmental organizations, totaling 40 people. and 10 representatives of project members.

          The results showed that homeless people receive welfare protection in accordance with the policy of establishing settlements but still have many problems that need to be solved, including insufficient personnel and lack of expertise, occupational skills development, and operations based only on agriculture. The income and expenditure budgets are insufficient for food, utilities, and personnel wages. A homeless person has five problems and needs: wanting to contact relatives and home visits; must ask for a waiver of the rules and regulations that give more freedom to live; wanting to be allocated land for occupation; and wanting to resign from the project.

          The researcher has nine suggestions for promoting social welfare services for the homeless, which are to raise awareness of self-esteem and self-reliance; permanent employment in the agency; recreational activities; independent living; pension payment; home visit; and promoting jobs to make income.


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How to Cite

เพ็ชรพูล อ. (2022). Problems and needs of social welfare of the homeless in the self-establishment estate : Problems and needs of social welfare of the homeless in the self-establishment estate . Journal of Social Synergy, 13(2), 45–58. Retrieved from



Research Report