Occupational and Employment Welfare for People with Disabilities: Driven by Civil Society


  • Samrit Chapirom -


1479 helpline for people with disabilities, empowerment, protection of rights, employment of people with disabilities


This paper has three objectives: to present the government's policies and limitations in promoting the occupation of people with disabilities at the grassroots level; to present the role of the Redemptorist Foundation's Employment Center for Persons with Disabilities, a civil society sector, in promoting occupation and employment opportunities for people with disabilities; and to present the policy and measures to the state to promote civil society as another mechanism to drive occupational welfare and employment for people with disabilities at the grassroots level. The study method uses observation and in-depth interviews with staff and executives, including service users. The study results showed that from January 2013–July 2022, Helpline 1479 provided 77,301 services to people with disabilities, providing complete information to people with disabilities as needed, driving public policy at all levels, and expanding results in continuous collaboration with the government, private sector, and civil society. There are also efforts to create inspirational activities for people with disabilities and to develop a service system that is easily accessible even if it is limited in terms of budget.  Recommendations from this study include the following: the State should promote 1479 as an important mechanism in the provision of occupational promotion services for people with disabilities, as well as in the protection and protection of people with disabilities rights; encourage 1479 to organize group activities for people with disabilities to inspire sustainable career paths by continually working with all parties via mobile with a support system or making a donation that is convenient for both the giver and the recipient; and support operation 1479 to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities and empower them to be an important force in driving society and the community economy.


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How to Cite

Chapirom, S. (2022). Occupational and Employment Welfare for People with Disabilities: Driven by Civil Society. Journal of Social Synergy, 13(2), 59–71. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/thaijss/article/view/260692



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