The Quality of life of school-age children in cross-generational families

The Quality of life : school-age children in cross-generational families


  • ใจชนก เศษศรี Thammasat U.


Quality of life, School-age children, Cross-generational families



               This research studied quality of life levels among school-aged children in cross-generational families and factors affecting quality of life differences among school-aged children in cross-generational families. Quantitative research was done with data collected by questionnaire. Samples were grandparents of 139 children aged six to twelve in cross-generational families studying in Aranyaprathet District government schools, Thailand. Data was analysed descriptively by frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, and inferential statistics, including t-test and f-test.

               Results were that most (74.1%) samples were grandmothers with an average age of 64.14 years old.  41.0% of samples worked as private employees with 56.8% earning average monthly incomes under 5,000 baht. Sample views on quality of life of school-age children under their care was at the highest level with a mean of 4.35; those believing that school-age children were most empowered at a mean of 4.40, followed by protectedness with a mean of 4.37, and receiving child welfare with a mean of 4.28. Quality of life of different school-aged children was affected by availability of grandparents to perform family duties and understanding by grandparents of state policies promoting quality of life for school-aged children at a statistical significance of 0.05.

               These findings suggest that local government organizations should participate in policy design to meet individual needs, including policies to promote awareness among parents for monitoring communication device use by children and digital media literacy. Local governments and schools should survey families in need to meet basic caring needs for school-age children through a support-provision database and encourage school-age children to eat breakfast by promoting farming in schools. Policies encouraging parental involvement may also be designed by asking for participation. Schools should also have a homework policy involving family participation in life skills to provide quality time shared by parents and children.


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How to Cite

เศษศรี ใ. (2022). The Quality of life of school-age children in cross-generational families: The Quality of life : school-age children in cross-generational families. Journal of Social Synergy, 13(3), 1–13. retrieved from



Research Report