Case Management Process: Solution to Behavioral Modification for Children in Private Child Welfare Centers


  • kritsada sukkaphat -


Case Management Process for Children, Children’s Behavioral Modification, Private Child Welfare Organization


Private Child Welfare Organizations have, at present, an important role in providing welfare assistance and welfare protection to children who are eligible for welfare assistance and welfare protection according to Sections 32 and 40 of the Child Protection Act, B.E. 2546 (2003), respectively. In addition to their mission of providing children with basic needs, private child welfare organizations do have other tasks, especially in behavioral modification, in order to provide children with physical and emotional rehabilitation and promote all dimensions of child development. One of the key challenges that private child welfare organizations are facing today is that life conditions and the crises of children’s problems often affect the different dimensions of their development. Children could face more complicated behavioral problems or challenges compared with youth in general. Their encounters also become challenges for child welfare organizations, which need to seek more effective procedures or processes in behavioral modification. As a result, private child welfare organizations must improve and standardize their service in child behavioral modification using case management when assisting children in long-term care or with complex behavioral issues. Because case management is a systematic and qualitative work process with clearly defined steps and a focus on the collaboration of a multidisciplinary team working together, using a variety of resources, in addition to protecting children's rights and assisting service users in making the most of it.


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How to Cite

sukkaphat, kritsada. (2022). Case Management Process: Solution to Behavioral Modification for Children in Private Child Welfare Centers. Journal of Social Synergy, 13(3), 89–104. Retrieved from



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