Innovation for Survival: A Case Study on Cassia’s Alternative Accommodation Model Amidst the Rise of the Sharing Economy

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Edward Koh
Pipatpong Fakfare


          The establishment of Airbnb in 2008 was a bell warning of the threats that existing hotel players would face from new entrants. This case study focuses on Banyan Tree’s innovative new brand Cassia. In this case, a combination of primary and secondary data were used for research analysis, including an interview with Cassia Phuket’s key executive, and extensive secondary research on Banyan Tree’s strategy which led to innovations on and within Cassia Phuket. The focus of this study is to illustrate the innovative solutions and options that hotel players could adopt to tackle the disruptive innovation by competitors. It also illuminated how innovation as a tool could help companies to be better sharpen and adapted for survival in the future market.

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How to Cite
Koh, E., & Fakfare, P. (2021). Innovation for Survival: A Case Study on Cassia’s Alternative Accommodation Model Amidst the Rise of the Sharing Economy. Journal of Thai Hospitality and Tourism, 16(2), 97–114. retrieved from
Academic Article
Author Biographies

Edward Koh, Bangkok University

Edward Koh is a doctoral graduate at the School of Hotel and Tourism Management, Hong Kong Polytechnic University. His research interest includes home rentals and other participants of the sharing economy, and his co-authored publication “Accommodating the sharing revolution: a qualitative evaluation of the impact of Airbnb on Singapore’s budget hotels” won the Tourism Recreation Research 2017 Best Paper award. Edward works at the Singapore Tourism Board.

Pipatpong Fakfare, Bangkok University

Pipatpong Fakfare is a lecturer at School of Humanities and Tourism Management of Bangkok University, Thailand. He earned his Doctoral Degree in Hotel and Tourism Management from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and his research interests include destination quality, honeymoon tourism, tourist behaviors and scale development study.


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