The Mode of Entry Strategies for Thai Multinational Enterprises in Investing Hotel Business in Yangon, Myanmar

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Danupon Sangnak
Teetut Tresirichod


          The research in the title “The mode of entry strategies for Thai multinational enterprises to investing hotel business in Yangon, Myanmar” utilized the qualitative approach by the triangulation validity to strengthen as an internal validity and reliability of data collection and analysis. By the way of using literature review as documentary research to construct the new paradigm of international business measurement, the direct observation by direct survey at Yangon, Myanmar of researcher, and in-depth interview through a semi-structured interview with the 15 key informants related to investment in the hotel industry in Yangon, Myanmar. The data collected was interpreted and analyzed by thematic analysis to report the findings. The results found that Internal-Macro, Internal-Micro, External-Macro, External-Micro factors both have a relationship with decision-making and entry mode strategy, also, the decision-making to invest in Myanmar factors have a relationship with the entry mode strategy of the hotel industry to invest in Yangon, Myanmar. The suitable entry mode strategy to invest in the hotel industry in Yangon, Myanmar is the Greenfield and Joint venture that can possibly succeed in the future.

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How to Cite
Sangnak, D., & Tresirichod, T. . (2021). The Mode of Entry Strategies for Thai Multinational Enterprises in Investing Hotel Business in Yangon, Myanmar. Journal of Thai Hospitality and Tourism, 17(1), 95–111. Retrieved from
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