Travel Behavior and Tourist Satisfaction of Foreign Tourists Affected Safety Journeys in Thailand

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Pawinee Iamtrakul
et al.


         Tourism industry is a major source of revenues for Thailand. Although, the foreign tourists
have been increasing continuously but there is a threat to the quality of the journey in Thailand which
is the high level of risk on road safety. The urgent mitigation approach is needed to solve this highly
problematic. Thus, this study attempted to understand the behavior and satisfaction of foreign tourists which are the key information for a further recommendation of tourism promoting in the country. This study was collected data from 800 of a questionnaire to interview foreign tourists during their traveling by
selecting from the major tourist attractions with a high number of foreign tourists and a high accident rate. 
        The result of the study revealed that the travel information, road safety situation in the country, traffic
regulation and choice of transportations have an influence on accidental occurrences. Therefore, in order to
promote road safety in the country, foreign tourists need to change their attitude and travel behavior in
complying with road safety policy. Consequently, it will enhance road safety confidence to attract foreign tourists and finally reduce the risk of road accidents.

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How to Cite
Iamtrakul, P., & al., et. (2015). Travel Behavior and Tourist Satisfaction of Foreign Tourists Affected Safety Journeys in Thailand. Journal of Thai Hospitality and Tourism, 10(1), 88–105. Retrieved from
Research Article


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