Sustainable Tourism Management Guidelines Affecting the Taling Chan Floating Market, Bangkok
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The research on Sustainable Tourism Management Guidelines Affecting the Talingchan Floating Market in Bangkok has six purposes: (1) to study personal characteristics that affected tourist behaviors at the Talingchan Floating Market; (2) study the physical environmental tourist activities and sustainable tourism activities affecting overall tourist satisfaction at the Talingchan Floating Market; (3) study relations between tourism behavior and overall tourist satisfaction at the Talingchan Floating Market; (4) study the effects of overall satisfaction on tourism behavior in Talingchan Floating Market; (5) study the tendency of tourism behavior affected by suggestions and at recommendations the Talingchan Floating Market and (6) suggest Sustainable Tourism Management Guidelines for Talingchan Floating Market, Bangkok. The research was based on both quantitative and qualitative methods and samples were tourists and officials of the Talingchan District and entrepreneurs at the Talingchan Floating Market.
Quantitative research results were found that most of the tourists were female aged 26-35 years old, the level of education was a bachelor’s degree, and single. Their occupations were private company employees, earning 10,001-20,000 baht a month, and they lived in Bangkok. Their opinions towards the physical environment and tourist activities at the Talingchan Floating Market were good overall. On average, the tourist frequented the area 2 times every 3 months. The tourists were satisfied with visiting Talingchan Floating Market and they had a tendency of making suggestions and recommending other tourists to visit the Talingchan Floating Market. Qualitative research results from interviews found that the Talingchan Floating Market organized sustainable activities and encouraged participation of people in the community. The Talingchan Floating Market community was the main organizer, while the Talingchan District Office provided tourism support and promotion.
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