A Proposed Model for Administrative Effectiveness in the CHINA’s Universities of Fine Arts


  • Yan Shuitian
  • Vorachai Viphoouparakhot bangkokthonburi university
  • Nitwadee Jirarotephinyo


Model for Administration, Administration Effectiveness, China’s University of Fine Arts


The objective of this research was to propose a model for administrative effectiveness in Universities of Fine Arts in the People’s Republic of China. The research was a mixed methodology research. Population was faculty members from eight fine art universities in the top ranking of China who work in academic year 2022. The key informants were 8 administrators to interviews. The experts were 9 people to connoisseurship for guidelines and to confirm a model. The instrument used for data collection was in-depth interview and analyzed by content analysis. Both key informants and experts were selected by purposive sampling. The research results showed that the administrative efficiency model of China’s university of fine art was "THE-STAR" Model. It was a management by fact that consisted of "T" stands for Teaching management: art universities should focus on teaching management; “H” stands for Human resource management. It should focus on valuing people and continuing professional development (CPD); "E" stands for promoting Engagement in the innovative development by encouraging teachers and students to give full play to their innovative spirit, be able to adapt through development of times, and encourage foreign exchanges ;"S" stands for incentive System perspective in management: fully mobilize the subjective initiative of teachers and students, both materially and spiritually; "T" stands for organizational Transformational management to focus on success, academic excellence and reputation in the top university ranking; " A" stands for Fine Arts Universities to delivering value and results, and "R" stands for Responsibility system management: the principal, all departments must perform their duties, responsibilities and societal contributions effectively.






Research article