
  • Montree Polyium Sripatum University at Chonburi
  • Pitak Jongnantawat Charles Darwin University, Australia


Multisensory Teaching, literacy skills, learning disabilities, inclusive classrooms


This article reviews the efficacy of multisensory teaching strategies in enhancing literacy skills among students with learning disabilities within inclusive classrooms. Multisensory strategies incorporate visual, auditory, and kinesthetic-tactile elements to address students' diverse needs, including native (L1) and non-native English speakers (L2). Research studies conducted by Taghvayi, Vaziri and Kashani (2012, pp. 1264-1269) and Sarudin, Hashim and Yunus (2019, pp. 3186-3194) have demonstrated the substantial benefits of integrating sensory pathways to improve reading accuracy, comprehension, and engagement in learning. Further research highlights the significant role of technology, such as iPads, in personalizing and enhancing the learning experience to better cater to individual student needs. The article also emphasizes the importance of training teachers in multisensory strategies to ensure effective implementation and to support an inclusive educational environment. Ultimately, it is suggested that multisensory teaching strategies not only make learning more accessible but also significantly improve literacy outcomes for students with learning disabilities, thereby fostering a more inclusive and effective educational setting.

Author Biography

Pitak Jongnantawat , Charles Darwin University, Australia

Pitak Jongnantawat, Master of Teaching (Early Childhood and Primary), Charles Darwin University, Australia


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