Life : Time Value and Freedom

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พระครูสิริสุตานุยุต (สมาน จนฺทรํสี, ผศ.ดร.)


This article aims to analyze the flow of life according to Buddhist principles. The study found that the word "life" in the view of Buddhism has two elements, namely, the physical and the abstract. There is a constant condition in both the occurrence of pain and death, which indicates the time when human beings should abstain from wickedness, do good deeds and make the mind clear. And Dhamma The value of the true value is the value that meets the quality of life. It can be out of the hundreds of straps because any person who is not a saint or release from the troop then he is still considered a prisoner to be imprisoned in the path of pity.

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How to Cite
(สมาน จนฺทรํสี, ผศ.ดร.) พ. (2019). Life : Time Value and Freedom. MCU Haripunchai Review, 1(2), 37–46. Retrieved from
Academic article


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