The development of the elderly role in driving the 4.0 age

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กันตภณ จงงามวิไล


Elderly people society with the eva of Thailand 4.0 need to develop both physical and emotion strength of the elderly. This will result in a social center for the elderly to show careness for each other and drive the power of the elderly in this era. IT will include the development of the following key factors: Body health The development of the elderly to have physical strength will result in mental strength. Environmental and emotional A good environment contributes to the safety and good health of the elderly. Good relationships with others should create activities participation that will make people in each age group have a good relationship. To be a good role model, to be a good role model, to be respectful to people in the community and society. The experience sharing giving the importance to elderly expericous is  fascinating experience.

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How to Cite
จงงามวิไล ก. (2018). The development of the elderly role in driving the 4.0 age. MCU Haripunchai Review, 2(1), 109–116. Retrieved from
Academic article


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