Creation of an innovation for 3D modelling of the diversity of cultural traditions in the ASEAN region to be placed in the Lanna territory of Chiang Rai city in Chiang Rai

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พระอักขราภิศุทธิ์ ลูนละวัน,ดร.
จันทรัสม์ ตาปูลิง


Research Articles Creating 3D model innovation in a variety of cultural traditions of the region. Elephants are enshrined on the Lanna land of Chiang Rai city. Chiang Rai province There are three objectives. 1. To study the patterns of cultural traditions in the Asian region. 2. To study the participation of network participants in collecting information on cultural traditions in the Asian region. 3. To create innovative 3D models in a variety of cultural traditions of the Asian region, enshrined on the Lanna land of Chiang Rai city. Chiang Rai province There are 10 target countries in the Asian region. The theory is used. Engaging process And cooperation This is an integrated research. The study of textbooks in the area. Then analyze the data. In order to get the crystallized knowledge, we have created a 3D model with the participation of diverse network parties to achieve a 3D model touching the truth of regional culture. It consists of traditions, arts and culture and wisdom to be enshrined on Lanna land of Chiang Rai city. Chiang Rai is a place where people of all ages can not go abroad. And in response to the 4.0 era, people of all ages can learn to learn at any time.

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How to Cite
ลูนละวัน,ดร. พ., & ตาปูลิง จ. (2019). Creation of an innovation for 3D modelling of the diversity of cultural traditions in the ASEAN region to be placed in the Lanna territory of Chiang Rai city in Chiang Rai. MCU Haripunchai Review, 2(2), 1–6. Retrieved from
Research Article


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