Concept of Life in the Sutra of 42 Sections followed by the View of Theravāda Buddhism

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ธนิษฐา ทรรพนันทน์


This research aims to study the concept of life in the Sutra of 42 Sections, which is the Mahayana Buddhist Scriptures, followed by the view of Tipitaka and Commentaries of Theravāda Buddhism. Based on the content analysis, the researchers found the consistency in Buddhism about the concepts of life between the Chapter 10 from the Sutra of 42 Sections and the Scriptures of Theravāda Buddhism. The thoroughly study showed that, for the human life on earth, The Lord Buddha has been already described in the Scriptures since the Buddhist era and the commentator0s have explained extensively in many Commentaries in accordance with the modern Obstetrics, miraculously. This study can support the reconciliation between the doctrines and the faith of the two denominations of Buddhism.

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How to Cite
ทรรพนันทน์ ธ. (2019). Concept of Life in the Sutra of 42 Sections followed by the View of Theravāda Buddhism. MCU Haripunchai Review, 2(2), 7–13. Retrieved from
Research Article


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