InformationSystems Management for Educational Institutions

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รัตพีรพัฒน์ ทะมานนท์


Information management in the institution. Both schools are large. Medium and small In the management of information systems, most schools take into account the benefits of information, enabling school administrators to develop management processes in various areas and to perform their tasks in accordance with their objectives. Meet the goals effectively. And consistent with the needs of the school.Although sometimes it is a device issue.Funding support Budget and personnel who are knowledgeable and competent in the management of information systems. But every department has tried to learn more knowledge to bring the knowledge to develop the school information system to complete. This will be used to develop the school, which will lead to further management.

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How to Cite
ทะมานนท์ ร. (2019). InformationSystems Management for Educational Institutions. MCU Haripunchai Review, 2(2), 78–88. Retrieved from
Academic article


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