Modern Management and Buddhist Management

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ว่าที่ร้อยตรีหญิง ดร.สุทธญาณ์ โอบอ้อม โอบอ้อม



Administration or organization management is inevitably necessary using science in administration. It is because the world today is a capitalism or consumerism that always seeks for profits moreover it causes competition which is aimed to surpass competitors both in management and organizational development in order to achieve organization’s goal. Therefore, there is a modern management principle as a strategy or management principle. At the same time, Western scholars are interested in the principle of Buddhism to integrate and apply to management principle because they considered the use of principles, methods or techniques of Western scholars, which the development of management is less than 100 years, is also a principle that is still attached to the object including having a loser and a winner, which is a profit and competition management. Therefore, when Western scholars studied Buddhism, they knew that the science of sustainable management and maintain humanity to live together in peace is the science in Buddhist management, which here is mentioned on modern management principles and comparative Buddhist management principles that can be integrated. This approach is incredibly consistent with modern management principles although it is a doctrine of the Lord Buddha, more than two thousand five hundred years ago.


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How to Cite
โอบอ้อม ว. ด. โ. (2019). Modern Management and Buddhist Management. MCU Haripunchai Review, 3(2), 119–131. Retrieved from
Academic article


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