Peace:Aims for coexistence in society

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บุญวัฒน์ บุญทะวงศ์


Peace or serenity was the most desirable thing for people to coexist in society. The way or method to keep the society in peace or serenity was based on at least four Buddhist principles such as (1) friendship and goodwill or good intention, so-called the society of friendliness, (2) the democratic culture, in which people honored each other and listened to the opinions of other persons, (3) reconciliation, so-called the society of harmony, and (4) coexistence in patience and intelligence in problem-solving, so-called the society of non-violence. Based on justice without several standards or without such prejudices as partiality, etc., the society would be full of calmness, prosperity and progression. Inevitably, the society might be said in the era of Arya, the golden period, here and now. 

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บุญทะวงศ์ บ. . (2020). Peace:Aims for coexistence in society. MCU Haripunchai Review, 4(1), 115–124. Retrieved from
Academic article


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