Applying the sufficiency economy philosophy to the digital age society

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Phuriphat Thanomsriuthai


Sufficiency Economy Philosophy is a guideline for living and working on the middle path. i.e. knowing enough. moderation. not being greedy. not wanting too much. Especially in the digital age society based on capitalism. Human beings want to transcend their own abilities. Develop cutting-edge technology to meet the needs of comfort. speed of communication Emphasize materialistic prosperity until the psychological development is forgotten. This causes the digital society to deteriorate morally. lack morality. and become more selfish. It has persecuted others and those around them. cheating and corruption. and applying the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy to life and work in the digital age society is a very good thing. This will make the existing social condition not deteriorate any more.

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How to Cite
Thanomsriuthai, P. (2021). Applying the sufficiency economy philosophy to the digital age society. MCU Haripunchai Review, 5(1), 53–64. Retrieved from
Academic article


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