Local Government Organization and the Survival of Thai Tourism in Crisis Situation COVID-19 Case Study: Phuket Sandbox

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Natnatcha Chaiprasert
Somchai Nantapirat
Thanyaphat Phuripinisnant


This article focuses on the survival of Thai tourism in the event of the COVID-19 crisis, the “Phuket Sandbox” model, Phuket is a world-renowned maritime tourism hub. There are many types of tourist attractions and tourism activities. Both on the island of Phuket, which has the main selling point Namely beaches and various tourist activities Especially entertainment activities Recreation and water sports and tourism links with surrounding satellite islands and nearby provinces Phuket is the destination that foreigners want to visit the most, so what role will the local have to support measures to take care of tourists entering the area? Local governing bodies are required to develop local tourism in this unusual situation. The local government has to operate in 5 areas: survey, search for places and information about tourism resources. Jointly plan to develop and improve tourist attractions Arrange to maintain safety in the tourist attractions. Tourism management and the preparation of advertising, public relations and tourism marketing

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How to Cite
Chaiprasert, N., Nantapirat, S., & Phuripinisnant, T. (2021). Local Government Organization and the Survival of Thai Tourism in Crisis Situation COVID-19 Case Study: Phuket Sandbox. MCU Haripunchai Review, 5(2), 71–83. retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMHR/article/view/253333
Academic article


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