Development of a supervision kit that promotes the implementation of Buddhist schools according to 29 identity guidelines towards learner quality in the 21st century of schools under the Chiang Mai Primary Educational Service Area Office 4

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Chaweewan Chaiphiset


This study The objectives were 1) to develop a supervision kit that promotes the implementation of a Buddhist school according to 29 identity guidelines for the quality of learners in the 21st century, and 2) to study the effect of using the inservice kit that promotes the implementation of a Buddhist school according to the guidelines. 29 identities towards the quality of learners in the 21st century. The target groups were 52 schools in the Buddhist school project under the Chiang Mai Primary Educational Service Area Office, Region 4, academic year 2020. The data were analyzed by statistical 1) alpha coefficient 2) mean. 3) KR 20 formula and 4) t-test values ​​were found: 1. The quality of the supervision kit “4S to build a good Buddhist school” found that the efficiency of the “4 S to build a good Buddhist school” was equal to E1 : E2. 91.13/89.75 The scores after the study of the results of the experiment using the “4S to Build a Good School with Buddhist Methods” were higher than before. The statistical significance at the .01 level was at the highest level. 2. The results of using the supervision kit found that the results of the cognition test of school administrators and teachers Before receiving supervision using the supervision kit had a mean score of 21.21. with an average score of 35.06, with a statistically significantly higher score at the .01 level for the results of the development of Buddhist schools. Before experimenting with the supervision kit, the overall effect was at a moderate level. for after trial Overall, the effect was at a high level and after the trial. higher than before The statistical significance was at the .01 level. 3. The results of 29 Buddhist schools in accordance with the identity guidelines before using the supervision kit were at a moderate level. for after trial effective at a high level and higher with statistical significance at the .01 level. 4. The results of the behavioral assessment of learners found that before using the supervision kit, the effect was at a moderate level. for after trial effective at a high level and higher than before testing with statistical significance at the .01 and 5. The results of the assessment of the parents' learners' satisfaction with the Buddhist school operation Before the experiment, there was a high level of satisfaction. And after the trial, the evaluation results are at a very high level as well. after the trial higher than before trial statistically significant at the .05 level

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How to Cite
Chaiphiset, C. (2021). Development of a supervision kit that promotes the implementation of Buddhist schools according to 29 identity guidelines towards learner quality in the 21st century of schools under the Chiang Mai Primary Educational Service Area Office 4. MCU Haripunchai Review, 5(2), 1–13. Retrieved from
Research Article


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