The Community’s The Community’s Buddhist Integrative Participation in Managing Doi Tao Lake's Water Resource, Doi Tao District, Chiang Mai Province

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อนันต์ แย้มไพบูลย์


        This research paper has three objectives: 1) to explore the Buddhist concept of water management, 2) to investigate the water resource management process of Doi Tao Lake, Doi Tao District, Chiang Mai Province, and 3) to examine the Buddhist integrative participation of communities in managing water resource of Doi Tao Lake, Doi Tao District, Chiang Mai Province. It is qualitative research having started with documentary research, followed by in-depth interviews and focus group discussions with purposive groups on Doi Tao Lake's water resource management. The findings were found that;

        Concept of water management according to Buddhist principles. It's something that happens naturally. In Buddhism it is said that water All are educated to gain wisdom and to see the truth and reality that focuses on self-improvement, compassion for all things to lead a reckless life.

        Problems in Doi Tao Lake water management, Doi Tao District, Chiang Mai Province found that: 1. There was a meeting to discuss and investigate facts. In the area, together with various agencies concerned to discuss assistance to people in the area, clarifying and giving recommendations Ready to understand the people to know how to help. And 2. Doi Tao Lake water resources conservation and restoration projects were undertaken, including the formulation of policies, plans and measures related to water resources to solve problems related to water resources.          

          Guidelines for integrated Buddhist participation in water management of Doi Tao Lake, Doi Tao District, Chiang Mai Province found that: Integrated Buddhist participation consisted of principles of compassion, gratitude for water sources according to Buddhism principles.

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How to Cite
แย้มไพบูลย์ อ. (2022). The Community’s The Community’s Buddhist Integrative Participation in Managing Doi Tao Lake’s Water Resource, Doi Tao District, Chiang Mai Province. MCU Haripunchai Review, 6(2), 32–48. Retrieved from
Research Article


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