Recommendations for improving the quality of public administration of local government organizations Recommendations for improving the quality of public administration of local government organizations

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Phra Wisitthakul Siripanyo (Sudarak)


This academic article will discuss the development of public administration quality of local government organizations that aim to change the management system of the new organization in accordance with the changing context. Modernization and fulfillment of the mission as a government organization that is closest to the people By looking at the important parts as follows: 1. The leadership of the organization that mentions the ability of the leader to be able to supervise the mission to achieve the goals. 2. Strategic planning referring to the preparation of strategies and effective implementation of strategies. Service recipients and stakeholders in the organization 4. Measurement. analysis and knowledge management Discuss the analysis and improvement of operational results and information literacy management. and information technology appropriately. 5. Personnel focus. mentions the environment for operators and the engagement of local personnel. 6. The operating system focus will be discussed. Is the work process and operational effectiveness clear? and 7. The results of the operation will be discussed. Effective results and mission accomplishment The importance of service recipients and stakeholders Personnel focus Organizational Leadership and Governance. Budgeting. Finance and Growth and Section 6 Outcomes on Process Effectiveness and Supply Chain Management.

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How to Cite
Siripanyo (Sudarak), P. W. (2022). Recommendations for improving the quality of public administration of local government organizations: Recommendations for improving the quality of public administration of local government organizations. MCU Haripunchai Review, 6(2), 221–235. Retrieved from
Academic article


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