The development of moral community in Banmaipattana, Phu phiang district, Nan province.

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Niyanun Wuttipanomsak
Theeratas Rojkitjakul
Thitiwut Munmee


The objectives of this thesis are: 1) to study the level of opinions on the development of the model of a moral community; 2) to study the factors related to the development of the model of a moral community; and 3) to present the application of Dharma (Buddhist doctrine) in the development of the model of a moral community. This study integrated data from 222 samples of research conducted using a quantitative methodology.Frequency averaging, percentage averages and standard deviations were used to examine the relationship between intra-community and extra-community factors. Furthermore, applying the Dharma to the advancement of a model of the moral community, employing the Pearson correlation coefficient method. In addition, 12 in-depth interviews were conducted in qualitative research with the accompanying content analysis technique to propose a context consisting of the significant informant frequency distribution tables to support quantitative data. The findings were that: 1. the level of opinion on the development of the model morality community, Ban Mai Phattana. Overall, the level was highest (x̅ = 3.97​, ​S.D.= 0.35​​). 2. Intra-community and extra-community factors were statistically significantly related to the development of the model of the moral community in Ban Mai Phattana, at the level of 0.01, with the level of statistical significance. The relationship between the application of the Seven Principles of Aparihaniyadhamma (Dharma) and the model of the moral community in Ban Mai Phattana, was statistically significant at the level of 0.01, with a level of medium significance. 3​. ​Applying Dharma in the advancement of the model of the moral community in Ban Mai Phattana, illustrated that ​​when the Seven Principles of Aparihaniyadhamma of the moral community are applied, there​​ will be a more effective enhancement of the moral community.

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How to Cite
Wuttipanomsak , N., Rojkitjakul, T., & Munmee, T. (2022). The development of moral community in Banmaipattana, Phu phiang district, Nan province. MCU Haripunchai Review, 6(2), 96–110. Retrieved from
Research Article


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