Development and upgrading of Buddhist community culture management along the border of Loei Province

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Satawat Songkapan
Thongchai Singudom
Phranuchit Nacaseno
Acharawan Jaiyakheaw


This article is part of the research on Development and upgrading of Buddhist community culture management along the border of Loei Province The objectives are: 1. To study the problem of Buddhist community cultural management. 2. To develop and upgrade the management of Buddhist community culture and 3. To propose a model of community culture management in a Buddhist way along the border of Loei Province through participation. In this research, a qualitative research model was used.  

         The research results found that:

         1.People will create unity among the group as well. But there is still a lack of inculcating morals and ethics in driving Buddhist culture. That is, low-income people or poor families agree to follow leaders with better foundations. As a result, people still lack awareness of the real development of cultural drives.

  1. Development and upgrading of Buddhist community culture management It is a collection of information about the Buddhist community culture by category due to the remote civilization. Developing the capacity of officers in accordance with the Buddhist policy is quite difficult to do, since most of the unskilled manpower works in remote areas. Sometimes the community demands through rules and regulations that result from tradition. various beliefs of the community based on local wisdom, rituals, religion, culture according to the way of life and culture within the community.

         3.The people will recognize the importance of the process of government officials. and cooperate with government officials through a process of persuasion from community leaders.

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How to Cite
Songkapan, S., Singudom, T., Nacaseno, P., & Jaiyakheaw, A. (2022). Development and upgrading of Buddhist community culture management along the border of Loei Province. MCU Haripunchai Review, 6(2), 189–203. Retrieved from
Research Article


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