Effectiveness of Solid Waste Management according to 3R Principles

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Yaseen Muhammad Ali
Satit Niyomyaht
Kamolporn Kalyanamitra
Nuttawat Siripornvut


The objective of this research were (1) to study the effectiveness of solid waste management according to 3R Principles, (2) to study problems and obstacles of the effectiveness of 3R solid waste management in  South Krungthon Group Area, Bangkok Metropolitan, and (3) to study the guidelines for developing the effectiveness of solid waste management according to 3R principle in the South Krungthon Group Area, Bangkok Metropolitan. The research model is qualitative research. Key informants are executives of government agencies, operator staff group and public groups in Bangkok, the area of the Southern Krungthon Group, 26 people by purposive selection.  The research tool was an interview form. Data analysis by descriptive method. The results found that (1) the effectiveness of solid waste management according to 3R principles, including management policies, budgets, waste management systems, waste transportation system, legal measures for waste management collaborative networking and public participation,  (2) the problems and obstacles of solid waste management according to 3R principle in South Krungthon Group Area, Bangkok Metropolitan  found that the population increased, lacked of awareness, budget, staff, and insufficient materials and equipment. The agency did not understand the policy, non-cooperation, law enforcement was not serious. lacked of good management, people lacked knowledge, lacked of incentive measures,  and 3) the development of effective waste management according to 3R principles in the South Krungthon Group Area, Bangkok Metropolitan, including a public relations campaign to educate motivating and cultivating awareness, improve the system of collecting hairs to be systematic, collaborative networking, pushing for laws to apply to businesses, law enforcement, against offenders materials, equipment, staff and budget should be provided appropriately, improved the payment system to be online, and promote the generation of revenue from waste.

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How to Cite
Muhammad Ali, Y., Niyomyaht, S., Kalyanamitra, K., & Nuttawat. (2023). Effectiveness of Solid Waste Management according to 3R Principles. MCU Haripunchai Review, 7(1), 44–57. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMHR/article/view/263161
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