Development of Educational Administration Model Applying the POSDC Concept for Phrapariyattidhamma Schools General Education Department Lamphun Province

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Kiattiniyom kamjina
Phasina Tangchuang
Chalee Pakdee


This research study aims to 1) to study the educational administration according to the Buddhist way of Phra Pariyatidhamma School Department of General Education in Lamphun Province 2) develop the school administration model according to the POSDC concept, 3) experiment with the educational school administration model according to the POSDC concept, and 4) examine the efficiency of the school administration model according to the POSDC concept for Buddhist monks' groups. Department of General Education, Lamphun Province. The population and the sample consisted of 59 teachers and educational personnel or figures. The research tools were questionnaires, focus groups. and check form Data were analyzed by statistics, frequency, mean, and standard deviation. and content analysis

         The research results showed that:

         1) The condition of school administration according to the concept of POSDC in five aspects was at a very good level.

         2) Evaluation results and development of school administration model according to POSDC concept for Phrapariyattidhamma schools group Department of General Education Lamphun province before and after the experiment using Paired T Test statistics for general administration. There are improvements in all assessment results. When considering each item, it was found that the item with the highest average development was that the executive had a good personality, warm, and easily adaptable to others.

          3) The results of using the educational management model according to the concept of POSDC before and after the experiment using Paired T Test statistics in all 4 aspects, it was found that the statistical values were significantly different at .05.

          4) Examination of the model prepared by experts found that the model is appropriate and feasible. and have consistent opinions

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How to Cite
kamjina, K., Tangchuang, P., & Pakdee, C. (2023). Development of Educational Administration Model Applying the POSDC Concept for Phrapariyattidhamma Schools General Education Department Lamphun Province. MCU Haripunchai Review, 7(4), 1–15. retrieved from
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