Handling of Human Trafficking of the Royal Thai Police

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Wichaya Ongthanawat
Sthit Niyomrelatives
Kamonporn Kalayanamit
Tassanee Lakkhanaphichonchat


The objectives of this research were (1) to study the problems and obstacles in the handling of human trafficking of the Royal Thai Police, (2) to study the situation of the handling of human trafficking of the Royal Thai Police, and (3) to study the guidelines in the handling of human trafficking of the Royal Thai Police. The research was qualitative. The study was conducted by key informants, namely: 23 persons performing duties related to the prevention and suppression of human trafficking of the Royal Thai Police, including high-ranking commanders, junior commander and workers on the prevention and suppression of human trafficking by purposive selecting.  The research tool was an interview. The data were analyzed by descriptive method. The results found that (1) the problems and obstacles in the handling of human trafficking of the Royal Thai Police included lack of clarity in the law; victims did not cooperate, budget and equipment were limited, manpower shortage staff, lacked enthusiasm, lacked of knowledge and understanding of law, there was malpractice, lacked of good coordination being intimidated by influential suspects, people cooperated with the officers less, (2) the situation of the handling of human trafficking of the Royal Thai Police found that in terms of policy, there was a clear policy. In the legal aspect, there was continuous training on the law. The operational procedures technology had been used in terms of the abilities of the officers, received continuous training database system development.  There was an increase in efficiency and there was a data link system. Cooperation integration, there was cooperation from all sectors, both domestically and internationally, public participation by giving the opportunity for the public to participate., and (3) the guidelines in the handling of human trafficking  of the Royal Thai Police should develop the potential of police officers closely, supervise operations, develop a database system to cover all processes, built cooperation with all sectors, both domestically and internationally, encouraged the public sector to be an important mechanism in helping and sufficient resources were allocated.

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How to Cite
Ongthanawat, W., Niyomrelatives, S., Kalayanamit , K., & Lakkhanaphichonchat, T. (2023). Handling of Human Trafficking of the Royal Thai Police. MCU Haripunchai Review, 7(2), 30–43. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMHR/article/view/A-03
Research Article


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