Network of Benefit Coordination to drive Commercial Research Model Case Study : Langsat Uttaradit Province.

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Yuphin Thuansri


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the formation of a network of agricultural groups for coordination in driving commercial research in Uttaradit Province, 2) to study the form of a network of agricultural groups for coordination in driving commercial research in Uttaradit Province. It is a qualitative research. The target groups were 20 leaders of Langsat farmers in Uttaradit Province, knowledgeable people, local philosophers, entrepreneurs and government officials in Uttaradit Province. The tools used in research with the same target group were in-depth interviews. and group discussion data analysis Use content analysis methods.

The results showed that

1) Creating a network of farmers groups for coordination in driving commercial research in Uttaradit Province, consisting of network elements, namely members, common goals Member participation Collaborative interaction and communication are mutually reinforcing equality benefit sharing And the networking process has 4 steps: the search campaign strategy Activities and the development of the network system

2) The form of a network of farmers groups for coordination in driving commercial research in Uttaradit Province had 3 levels: close network, secondary network and extended network. The farmers' leaders are the centers of driving and coordinating with relevant networks. in order to distribute benefits to members and networks fairly There are partners that support the work of farmers who grow quality langsard groups, including related businesses. sponsored business network development organization research and development organization and government agencies

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How to Cite
Thuansri, yuphin. (2023). Network of Benefit Coordination to drive Commercial Research Model Case Study : Langsat Uttaradit Province. MCU Haripunchai Review, 7(2), 59–74. Retrieved from
Research Article


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