To study the factors affecting the leadership of the Municipal Executives in Buriram Province

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Phrakhrupalad Wisithakul Siripanyo (Sudaruk)


The purpose of this research was to study the factors affecting the leadership of municipal administrators in Buriram Province. Research is an integrated approach. The quantitative research used a questionnaire to collect data from 264 personnel of the municipality in Buriram Province. The data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation. Multiple regression analysis and qualitative research In-depth interviews of 19 participants or individuals were used, content-oriented data analysis and specific group discussions of 9 participants or individuals were used for confirmation after data synthesis.

The results showed that

          1) Characteristics of Executives Affected the leadership of the municipal administrators in Buriram province in 4 aspects with a statistical significance of 0.01, indicating that the characteristics of the administrators could work with the prediction of the leadership of the municipal administrators in Buriram province by 80 percent.  1 and when considering the characteristics of executives, it was found that Ability to control and predict at 30.4 percent, followed by intelligence. responsible and have self-confidence, respectively.

          2) The Noble Eightfold Path had a statistically significant effect on the leadership of municipal administrators in Buriram Province at the 0.01 level, indicating that the Noble Eightfold Path could work together to predict the leadership of municipal administrators in Buriram Province. Buriram province was 88.2 percent, and when considering the Noble Eightfold Path, found that right effort was able to predict 20.0%, followed by right occupation, right livelihood, right mindfulness, right mindfulness, right meditation. Right concentration of mind, right view, right view, right intention, and right speech, respectively.

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How to Cite
Siripanyo (Sudaruk), P. W. (2023). To study the factors affecting the leadership of the Municipal Executives in Buriram Province. MCU Haripunchai Review, 7(2), 146–157. Retrieved from
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