Promotion of Cross- Cultural Understandings

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Sasiwimon Khongmueang


In a globalization world where communication and international relations is a cornerstone at work and for routine life. Importantly, technology also has a major role effecting people life so called “Digital Disruption”. Therefore, knowledge, understanding, accepting and respecting people from different cultures is a crucial and necessary tool driving successful business as a borderless society in the 21st century.

This academic article aims to review related literatures regarding advantages of multi-cultural sensitivity, obstacles effecting cross -cultural sensitivity together with raise awareness of how to promote multi-cultural understanding and respecting people from diverse cultures in order to work effectively and coexist happily.       

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How to Cite
Khongmueang, S. (2023). Promotion of Cross- Cultural Understandings . MCU Haripunchai Review, 7(2), 204–214. Retrieved from
Academic article


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