The Four Foundations of Satipatthana and Resolving Conflict in Thai Society

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Phramaha Thanawut Yanasopano (Inthanon)
Sane Jaisit


This article aims to introduce the principles of Vipassana meditation according to the four foundations of mindfulness to develop the mind to achieve right wisdom. Knowing the Truth in Consciousness Purify the mind to reach cleanliness, brightness, peace, freedom from suffering and freedom in order to reduce conflicts in Thai society. caused by political problems management of the elite differences in the ideology of citizens that are different in their way of life including economics, politics, interests, services, beliefs, prejudices, races and languages therefore taking advantage of each other As a result, there are wide-reaching consequences, both physically, mentally and socially, lacking trust. The friendship has ended. no trust resistance has different opinions Stress and hatred in society. There is no creative initiative. in a good attitude towards each other So it was the cause of the conflict. Conflict arises from the mind being led by the current of unwholesome actions expressed through physical, verbal, and mental behaviors. able to develop the mind to live together in society peacefully as follows: the body to be healthy and complete, feeling the state of the mind, knowing the emotions, the mind, knowing the emotional state that fluctuates according to the current of craving, Dharma. It is a barrier to correct thinking. to be preconceived is to take hold, etc.

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How to Cite
Yanasopano (Inthanon), P. T., & Jaisit, S. (2023). The Four Foundations of Satipatthana and Resolving Conflict in Thai Society. MCU Haripunchai Review, 7(2), 267–281. Retrieved from
Academic article


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