The Development of Academic Administrative Model of Phrapariyattidhamma School Pali Section for Approaching The Tipitaka According to The Four Noble Truths of Watbakhuntriambhuddhasad School, Hot District, Chiang Mai Province

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Phrmaha Chaiwat Paanyavachiro
Phrakhruvititsasanatorn, Asst. Prof. Dr.
Phramaha Sakun Mahaviro, Asst. Prof. Dr.


This research aims to 1) Study the condition of academic administration in the Pali Division and study the principles of solving problems related to the development of academic administration. 2) Create an academic administration model 3) Experiment with an academic administration model and 4) to evaluate the use of the academic management model of the Pali Section of the Phrapariyattidhamma School in order to access the Tipitaka according to the Four Noble Truths of Wat Ban Khun Triam Buddhist School, Hod District, Chiang Mai Province. Research and Development (R&D) The population consisted of 57 photographs or people. Research tools were interview forms, questionnaires, and evaluation forms. Statistics used were percentage, mean percentage, mean, standard deviation. and inferential statistics, Pair T-Test, and content analysis.

          Research results found that:

          1) The condition of academic administration and the study of principles for solving academic administration problems found that the curriculum and application measurement and evaluation moderate and evaluation, emphasizing analytical thinking and the application of knowledge was at a low level

          2) The model of academic administration according to the Four Noble Truths found that 1) the goals of the model 2) components such as curriculum and application Teaching and learning process that emphasizes the Noble Truth Measurement and Evaluation Tutors and support resources Academic and supervision work plans and 3) driving the model towards the goal, i.e. roles and responsibilities of instructors and administrators

          3) The experimental model of academic administration consisted of planning, implementing the instructional management process according to the Four Noble Truths, and assessing learner learning before and after the experiment.

          4) Evaluation of the effectiveness of the academic administration model found that learners had higher learning outcomes than before using the model. The difference was statistically significant at .01. 2) The overall assessment result was at a high level.

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How to Cite
Paanyavachiro, P. C., sasanatorn, Asst. Prof. Dr., P., & Mahaviro, Asst. Prof. Dr., P. S. (2024). The Development of Academic Administrative Model of Phrapariyattidhamma School Pali Section for Approaching The Tipitaka According to The Four Noble Truths of Watbakhuntriambhuddhasad School, Hot District, Chiang Mai Province. MCU Haripunchai Review, 8(2), 149–164. Retrieved from
Research Article


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