Managing the Problem of Unemployment in the Buddhist Way to Strengthen the Grassroots Economy of Thung Tom Subdistrict Municipality in San Pa Tong District in Chiang Mai Province

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Monnarin Sirichottawee (Wichai)


This research aims to 1) study the level of opinions regarding the management of the unemployment problem. 2) Compare opinions on managing the unemployment problem classified by personal factors. and 3) Guidelines for managing the problem of unemployment in the Buddhist way to strengthen the grassroots economy of Thung Tom Subdistrict Municipality. San Pa Tong District Chiang Mai Province Integrated research methods Quantitative research The sample group included 173 unemployed people in Thung Tom Subdistrict Municipality using Taro Yamane's formula. The tool was a questionnaire. The confidence value for the entire document was 0.94. Data analysis included frequency. percentage. mean and standard deviation. t-value. A-value. and in-depth interviews with 10 figures or people. Data were analyzed descriptively.

          The research results found that

          1) The overall level of opinion regarding the management of the unemployment problem is at a moderate level.

          2) Opinions of unemployed people of different genders and ages There is an idea to solve the problem of unemployment. It is found that there is no difference. Unemployed people with status. occupation. income. and education were found to be significantly different at the 0.05 level. Therefore. the research hypothesis of status. occupation. income. and education was accepted. As for gender. age. there were opinions. no different Therefore. the research hypothesis was rejected.

          3) Guidelines for dealing with the problem of unemployed people in the Buddhist way to strengthen the grassroots economy of Thung Tom Subdistrict Municipality by following the principles of Tiṭṭṭhaṭhammikatthaṃ. Unemployed people and coordinating with business establishments 2) Arakkha Sampatha Develop the potential of the unemployed By relying on local resources as a base 3) Kalyanamitta Create cooperation between various agencies involved and 4) Samchivita Provide knowledge on accounting for income and expenses

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How to Cite
Sirichottawee (Wichai), M. (2024). Managing the Problem of Unemployment in the Buddhist Way to Strengthen the Grassroots Economy of Thung Tom Subdistrict Municipality in San Pa Tong District in Chiang Mai Province. MCU Haripunchai Review, 8(2), 249–264. Retrieved from
Research Article


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