Development on The Quality of Life of The Elderly According to The Bhāvanādhamma 4 of The Nakhonchedi Subdistrict Administrative Organization at Pasang District of Lamphun Province

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kanokporn pongda


The objectives of this research study are 1) to study the level of opinions on improving the quality of life of the elderly according to the principles of the Bhāvanādhamma 4 of the Nakhon Chedi Subdistrict Administrative Organization 2) to compare opinions on the development of the quality of life of the elderly according to the Bhāvanādhamma 4 of Nakhon Chedi Subdistrict Administrative Organization Classified according to personal factors 3) To propose guidelines for improving the quality of life of the elderly according to the Bhāvanādhamma 4 of the Nakhon Chedi Subdistrict Administrative Organization. Use integrated research methods. including quantitative research methods. A sample group of 335 people analyzed the data by finding frequencies. percentages. means. and standard deviations. and analyzed by t-test and F-value. and qualitative research methods Interviews with 10 important informants. figures or people. analyzed in terms of descriptive content and references to people's words.

The research results found that

1) Level of opinions on the quality of life according to the Bhāvanādhamma 4 of the elderly of the Nakhon Chedi Subdistrict Administrative Organization. Overall. it was at a moderate level

2)Comparison of opinions on improving the quality of life of the elderly according to the Bhāvanādhamma 4 of the Nakhon Chedi Subdistrict Administrative Organization. Overall. classified by gender were found to be not different. therefore the research hypothesis was rejected. Age. education. occupation. and income were found to be different. Therefore. the research hypothesis was accepted.

3)Guidelines for developing the quality of life of the elderly of the Nakhon Chedi Subdistrict Administrative Organization found that: Kāya-bhāvanā, promotion of continuous exercise. Sīlabhāvanā, promoting Buddhist activities and strengthening Buddhist ethics in one's conduct. Paññā-bhāvanā, Mental training should be supported by Vipassanā meditation and good motivation. Citta-bhāvanā : Supporting modern learning and careful consideration.

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How to Cite
pongda, kanokporn . . (2024). Development on The Quality of Life of The Elderly According to The Bhāvanādhamma 4 of The Nakhonchedi Subdistrict Administrative Organization at Pasang District of Lamphun Province . MCU Haripunchai Review, 8(2), 312–325. Retrieved from
Research Article


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