Building relationships between police officers and the public with the principles of Sangha Vatthu in the Thailand 4.0 era

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Chalida Narksut


The performance of police officers in Thailand can be considered to be highly interrelated. The police are those close to the people who maintain peace and order in society through the process of public cooperation. Until trust in working But the feelings of the majority of the public tend to view police officers in a very unfavorable way, causing proactive work in each situation to be unable to reach the essence of the heart of those various problems, leading to difficulty in managing the problems that arise. Therefore, proactively changing work styles through building good relationships may be the main path for police officers to work towards solving problems and collaborating more with the public. Therefore, Sangha principles must be applied. Dhamma objects are applied appropriately. Because the principles of Sangha Vatthu Dhamma are principles that can build trust between each other in the following ways: 1) Giving the heart for sacrifice (donation), devoting one's body and mind to creating a society of peace in that society. 2 ) Communication management (Piyavaja), public relations to create an understanding of various data and information appropriately, seriously, sincerely and correctly. 3) Assistance (Atthacariya), sustaining and solving problems for the people regularly, continuously and without hope. compensation and 4) working with neutrality (samanatta), not choosing sides, not choosing groups, viewing the people as friends who can work well with police officers. Under the era of change Thailand 4.0

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How to Cite
Narksut, C. (2024). Building relationships between police officers and the public with the principles of Sangha Vatthu in the Thailand 4.0 era. MCU Haripunchai Review, 8(2), 400–414. Retrieved from
Academic article


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