Characteristics of the Minister of Public Health that depends on the wishes of Thai society

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Virakan Chaisirisuwan


Every minister in Thailand can be considered an executive who has transformed himself from a politician into an organization manager in order to solve existing problems. and develop various innovations to create good management. However, being a minister of any ministry must be in accordance with the Constitution of the Kingdom of 2017. Section 160 specifies the qualifications of the Cabinet, such as having Thai nationality, being honest. Honesty is evident No behavior that violates or seriously fails to comply with ethical standards, etc., making it possible for anyone selected to take the position if they have the said qualifications. This is not an indicator of success in terms of any creative work. Moreover, if there is a cabinet reshuffle, people will have to be changed to take on new duties. Assign new policy Civil servants must constantly adapt to new things like this. As a result, work is rarely continuous and there are often many problems that are a reflection of the characteristics of the ministers of every era. The Ministry of Public Health is the ministry that takes care of welfare. Congratulations to all medical groups and medical personnel in both urban and rural areas equally. and create good health for people throughout the country will consider more qualifications to become the desired organizational culture, including: 1. The acquisition of ministers must come from a majority vote of doctors and medical personnel. 2. Have a medical education or a good understanding of the medical work system. 3. Have leadership in traditional Thai and modern medicine. 4. Maintain laws that are fair and equitable. 5. Look at the interests of the people as the primary focus. 6. Have a broad medical vision.

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How to Cite
Chaisirisuwan, V. (2024). Characteristics of the Minister of Public Health that depends on the wishes of Thai society. MCU Haripunchai Review, 8(2), 414–426. Retrieved from
Academic article


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