The Conjured Construction of Education System: Development of Educational Quality in Thailand in the Era of Globalization

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Education is the creation of human processes of knowledge, thinking and social behavior for the advancement of society. For Thailand, the world society has undergone many changes, but the learning system of Thai society has not responded to important development questions like many countries that have a competition to develop their students to be as ready as possible physically, mentally, socially, mentally and intellectually. These make Thai society may need to rethink the dimensions of the new generation of social membership development more in order to progress and be able to compete with developed countries. Techniques for improving the quality of education, especially the issue of rapid global change, known as globalization, consist of: 1. the creation of a model school and curriculum for the development of technological and scientific skills, 2. the creating more educational motivation by guaranteeing quality that focuses on practice rather than theory, 3. the educational management from kindergarten to primary school through government management that does not involve the private sector to reduce social inequality, 4. the decentralization of schools towards community participation or participation in local organizations in the form of committees, and 5. the style adjustment of the role of a regular teacher to become a coach.

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ไชยประเสริฐ ณ. (2021). The Conjured Construction of Education System: Development of Educational Quality in Thailand in the Era of Globalization. MCU Haripunchai Review, 6(1), 30–44. Retrieved from
Academic article


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